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ARCF 2024 Fundraising Event


August 15, 2024

Come together on Nov. 19 with the American Respiratory Care Foundation (ARCF) and your respiratory care colleagues and friends from around the world for an “Evening in Havana” to support and advance the respiratory care profession!

Mark your calendar now and get your dancing shoes ready for an evening of live music, and an unique opportunity for professional salsa lessons,a mojito mixology class, rum sampling, and networking, all while supporting the important work of the ARCF. The event will also include recognition of Foundation donors, and updates on ARCF accomplishments in the past year.

Proceeds from the event support the ARCF’s ongoing mission, to build funding and support for respiratory research, education, and patient-focused philanthropic activities. Benefits of event sponsorship are noted below.

Event Details

Date: Nov. 19
Time: 6:30 p.m.–9:30 p.m., registration opens at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Cuba Libra Restaurant & Rum Bar, Orlando, FL
Dress Code: Business casual (salsa dancing attire encouraged)
Tickets: $125 includes dinner and two drinks. Seating is limited, purchase your tickets in advance.

Event Sponsorship

Take your support to the next level with a sponsorship/table purchase for the event. See details below.

Sponsor Level Amount Receives
Platinum $50,000 Four complimentary tables (total of 40 tickets)
Gold $20,000 Three complimentary tables (total of 30 tickets)
Silver $10,000 Two complimentary tables (total of 20 tickets)
Bronze $5,000 One complimentary table (total of 10 tickets)

Email Crystal Leighton for additional details and to purchase sponsorship.


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Your Donations Support Our Mission

The American Respiratory Care Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed for the purpose of supporting research, education, and charitable activities.

The ARCF seeks to educate the public about respiratory health, assist in the training and continuing education of health care providers, and improve the quality of our environment.

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